Precious metals like silver, gold, and platinum are a store of value. They typically have a history of appreciating when the dollar depreciates. It is essential to understand what precious metals are, how they are different from other types of investment vehicles, and where you may be able to purchase them.
Elements That Are Considered Precious Metals: `The definition for a “precious” or “noble” metal is that it should have a low reactivity with other elements and be durable; these metals include gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and copper (though copper is not considered part of what investors generally term as “precious metals”).

Where Do We Find Precious Metals?
We can find precious metals everywhere throughout the Earth. They are found in metals such as silver, gold, and platinum, and minerals such as ores and gemstones like diamonds. Some precious metals can be found in their purest forms, while others may have to be refined through smelting. To be considered a “precious” metal, it must have low reactivity with other elements and be durable; these metals include gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and copper (though copper is not considered part of what investors generally term as “precious metals”).
Functions of Precious Metals
Precious metals have many uses and can be used in various functions such as jewelry, electronics, dentistry, and even aerospace. One of the most common uses of precious metals is for jewelry because they are durable and make for beautiful pieces. Palladium has been used in dentistry for over 100 years. It is solid, has a higher melting point than the other commonly used noble metal (gold), and is not as soft, so it does not scratch easily.
Precious metals are also used in electronics such as computers and smartphones because they do not rust when air or humidity like non-precious metals such as copper; this makes them perfect for circuit boards. They are also used in aerospace engineering to make components like gears, bearings, and shafts. Precious metals are also used for aerospace products such as paints, coatings, and adhesives to prevent corrosion in these areas.

Where To Buy Precious Metals
To buy precious metals, you must find a place that accepts precious metals such as gold, silver, or platinum. While these are the most common types of precious metals, others can be bought; they are gold ETFs (exchange-traded funds), and the most common is GLD (gold exchange-traded fund).
Precious Metals in the News
Through government fiat, the United States Bureau of 1.2 billion ounces of silver, and it was recently announced that they would be selling gold. As a result of these sales and the decrease in demand for silver, the price has fallen by 25% since January 2014. In February 2014, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced his country had become an official supplier of Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey”. He said it was essential for Venezuela and its people to use that medium because “we have humble beginnings, but we aspire to go beyond our humble origins. We want to be eternal.” The footage used in the movie was taken by a camera crew that Kubrick used to take his photographs.
Current Market
In 2014, the price of silver dropped by 25% since January 2014. In December 2014, China began selling its silver reserves for a nominal sum of $4.4 billion to help it boost its resources after failing to meet its targets for the first time in 17 years. This presents a problem for investors holding large amounts of precious metals because if they try to sell those holdings, they will realize less than the market value.

What Makes Precious Metals Valuable?
There are many reasons that precious metals are valuable. These metals have been used as a store of wealth since the beginning of recorded history; they are easy to identify, mine and store. They can be sold for cash or traded for other precious metals; this versatility protects them from hyper-inflationary or depreciative trends. Since their discovery, they have been a primary component in manufacturing essential items like jewelry and electronics.
How Do Precious Metals Differ from Other Investments?
Precious metals differ from other investments because they increase in value relative to the decrease in value of the paper currency. However, it is essential to note that they will never lose all of their value due to inflation; they are considered a defensive investment. They can also be sold at most banks, coin shops, and precious metal dealers, and you can buy them in the form of coins or bars at various locations.
Are Precious Metals Also Considered Commodities?
Precious metals may be classified as commodities because they are mined from the Earth and sold based on supply and demand. However, they are also more stable than other commodities because precious metals do not experience ongoing price fluctuations like corn or oil as these prices change consistently throughout the year.